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"We love Him, because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
Daily Confessional Devotionals To Enhance Your Prayer Life Through God's Spoken Word
This book assists the reader to proclaim God's promises on a daily basis. It is using the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:17-18) to overcome the enemy in spiritual battles, and facilitating the enjoyment of God's marvelous blessings.
Discover Living Words of Prayer for yourself!
“Living Words of Prayer is a collection of wholesome and nourishing words that will produce a harvest in your mouth and move you rapidly in the direction of the destiny God has for you.”
“Living Words of Prayer is a blessed way to start your day. The words are God speaking to you. It will produce new life and health to you.”
Pastor Tony Peters - Edmonton, Great Britain
Dr. Betty Price - Los Angeles, USA

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