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Prayer Helper - Paperback
Many times, we wish to pray, but it seems like an uphill battle. Sometimes we sense we should pray for someone or a group of people but we can't seem to phrase the word, other times we've felt attacked by the enemy and wondered how to handle the situation, well, the Prayer Helper can assist you in these situations and many more to pray God's word and enforce God's will.
Divided into 5 parts ranging from general prayers to intercessory prayers, warfare prayers and prophetic prayers, this 106-paged book is a prayer-reference book to equip the Christian and assist in manifesting God's power on earth.
When we choose to pray, we are choosing God's will, we are choosing God's way, we are choosing God's plan. Choose to pray today, use the Prayer Helper.
Yahweh's blessings be abundant to you.
Prayer Helper - eBook
Prayer Helper is available as an ebook so you can download to your kindle, tablet and phone. You can pray anywhere, and everywhere, for our God is everywhere. Prayer Helper will help you focus and pray specific prayers that are based on the word and in accordance with God's perfect will.
Get a copy of Prayer Helper now. Adonai's blessings to you!
The effective tool to help Christians pray
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